In Suitable Conditions, Chapter 1 - Comic ebook (English + Finnish)
Get the ebook of the webcomic In Suitable Conditions, Chapter 1 (free to read on Tapas and Webtoon), with exclusive extras! Available in English and Finnish – saatavilla myös suomeksi.
What is in Suitable Conditions?
Want to take a look before committing to a purchase? Read it for free on Tapas and Webtoon.
After dropping out of university, Lissa is becoming a shut-in until her roommate makes her find a job. Cleaning a kindergarten is not exactly what Lissa imagined herself doing, but fortunately she doesn’t have to talk to anyone!
Right... Not only does she have to get more involved in her working environment than she’d like to, a teacher there thinks he can just “pull her out of her shell”. With his help, will she become a social virtuoso? Does she want to? What does she want, really?
Genre: Drama
Rating: Teen+ (language)
Mikä on Suotuisissa oloissa?
Yliopistopudokas Lissasta on tulossa peräkammarin asukki, kunnes kämppäkaveri saa hänet hakemaan töitä. Päiväkodin siistiminen ei ehkä ole Lissan unelmatyö, mutta ainakaan ei tarvitse jutella kellekään!
Tämäkin toive murenee pian, kun päiväkodin opettaja päättää vetää Lissan "ulos kuorestaan". Voiko Lissasta tulla hänen avullaan sosiaalisuuden mestari? Vai haluaako hän edes sitä? Mitä hän haluaa?
Ebook PDF of Chapter 1 with exclusive extras (sketches, unused pages, and more)